Channel: Crafting ideas from Sizzix UK
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Winter season ornament


This week I've branched out and used the Thinlits Die - From Our Home to create an ornament that would be great to hang in the windows during Christmas and Winter. You might even make it and put it on one of your Christmas cards and that way the recipient could hang the ornament in their own home.
I started by die-cutting the Thinlits Die - From Our Home from regular white cardstock and then I mounted vellum on the back side of the motif. Using a pair of sharp scissors, I simply cut along the edge of the little snow scene to make sure cardstock and vellum were perfectly aligned.

In order to add some detail to the project I added some of the small stars on top of the smoke trail and went over those stars as well as the negative spaces where they used to be with clear Wink of Stella.

To give the windows of the house some shine I added multiple layers of Glossy Accent to the inside of alle three windows. This actually gives the windows some bulk as well as the right glassy shine.
Finally I used some silver thread to be able to hang the ornament: Using a small needled I threaded the silver thread through the vellum part of my ornamet.

Now all that was left was to hang the ornament and enjoy the way it turns into even more of a silhouette cut once it is hung in a window.
Supply list:
Sizzix Big Shot Starter Kit (Powder Blue & Teal)
Sizzix Accessory - Magnetic Platform for Wafer-Thin Dies
Thinlits Die - From Our Home
Wink of Stella
Glossy accent
Silver thread


I denne uge har jeg udfordret mig selv til at bruge Thinlits Die - From Our Home til at lave et ophæng, som vil passe fint i vinduet til jul og i løbet af vinteren. Man kunne endda sætte det på forsiden af et kort, således at modtageren selv kunne bruge ophænget i deres vinterhjem.

Jeg startede med at udstanse Thinlits Die - From Our Home i almindeligt hvidt karton, hvorefter jeg monterede vellum på bagsiden af motivet. Med en skarp saks klippede jeg langs ophængets kant.

For at give røgsøljlen lidt ekstra detaljer brugte jeg nogle af de små stjerner som dekoration. Jeg løb dem og de negative områder, hvor de havde siddet, over med Wink of Stella for at give dem glimmer.

Jeg brugte Glossy Accents to at give vinduerne i huset et rigtigt glas-look, hvilket gav vinduerne en del mere tyngde samtidig med at det minder om vinduesglas.

Sidste skridt var at sætte sølv tråd i ophænget ved at stikke en tynd nål igennem vellum-delen af ophænget. Og så er det allersidste bare at hænge ophænget op og nyde, hvordan det ligner en silhuette endnu mere, når det er oplyst udefra.
Sizzix Big Shot Starter Kit (Powder Blue & Teal)
Sizzix Accessory - Magnetic Platform for Wafer-Thin Dies
Thinlits Die - From Our Home
Wink of Stella
Glossy accent
Silver thread

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