Hello again, are you enjoying the cosy autumn evenings now we have turned the clocks back?
I'm enjoying the autumn colours in the trees, and the fallen leaves - which I still enjoy kicking my way through ( even when I haven't got my grandchildren with me!!)
Talking about colours - I received a wonderful box of 'Art Gallery' fabrics last week -
sent to me by http://www.hantex.co.uk/ for a whole heap of projects - now this is a little unfair, as you won't get a glimpse of any of the projects until later in the year or even early next year - but these fabrics are so bright and beautiful to work with I just wanted to share the photo.
Before I show you the latest progress on 'Downton' I just show you a couple of photos from the workshop I taught yesterday at The Sewing Room in Cinderford, Gloucestershire, the shop - for Anita - you can see her in the second photo below
Christmas decorations will feature in my blogs next month - when I hope to have finished Downton.
So here is the next instalment -
I finished laying out the triangles and then joined them into strips - here you see all the strips joined together - to make a large central hexagon.
Now I really want this to be a quilt that I can snuggle up under while watching Downton Abbey - so I'm going to add a neutral fabric - maybe calico to make this into a rectangle, and then maybe add a border to create the size I want - so that will be the final instalment - and then I'll give you the fabric requirements as well.
Meanwhile enjoy the cosy evenings and keep sewing.