I was away in North Wales last week with my two boys and my parents for the half term break. I wanted to take some sewing with me and whilst I've had a little try of English paper piecing before (the needle book in the second photo, I did say a little try) I've never had a proper go and this seemed like the ideal opportunity.
The day before we set off I found a little plastic box and assembled a travel-hexy-sewing-kit. Using my Hexagons, 1in Sides #2 die I cut approximately 80 hexies on my Big Shot, using up lots of leftover scraps of some favourite prints in the process. Then with the Hexagons, 3/4in Sides die I cut the papers to use with them.
Now I know I'm a EPP newbie but surely there can't be an easier, faster way of preparing hexies than this?
A needle book, small pair of scissors and 2 reels of thread went into the box along with the papers and hexagons and it was ready to go. Next time though I'll definitely add basting glue to the kit and use a dab to hold the paper to the fabric as it was awkward holding the paper in place whilst folding the sides over.
It was lovely to sit and baste a few hexagons in the evenings when the boys were winding down or asleep in bed.
I managed to get all of the hexagons basted over the course of the week (it's pretty addictive once you get going) and started to join them into 'flowers'. There is a plan for these once they're all joined together.
The more I've got into quilting the more enjoyable hand-sewing has become, I spent years trying to avoid it and used a machine wherever possible. Maybe hand-sewing will even start to overtake machine sewing one day - although probably not too soon as my new sewing machine is due tomorrow, yay!