When I began making the hexagons last week the main aim was just to have a go at English paper piecing and see how it went, but with the idea of making the 'Let It Snow' cushion from Issue 14 of Love Patchwork and Quilting magazine if it went well. I used smaller hexagons (Hexagons, 1in Sides #2 die for the fabric and Hexagons, 3/4in Sides die for the papers) than those used for the cushion in the magazine but it didn't affect the overall design, it just meant making more.
All but of a handful of the hexies I made (approximately 80) were joined together to form a circular-ish piece which then became the feature-piece on the front of the cushion.
I don't like having raw edges anywhere if possible, even on the inside of a cushion cover so opted to bind the edges. I used the same white Essex linen for the binding as for the main part of the cushion so that the hexies would stand out and be the main focus.
I really enjoyed piecing the hexagons for this and might try something a bit bigger next time.