I've been experimenting with hexagons lately to see if I can get them to look like holly leaves. At first I was going to join some hexies together to form a ring and make a stylised wreath with them but decided to play around a bit more and see what happened.
Using the Big Shot, I cut some papers with the Hexagons, 3/4in Sides die and then, using some green scraps, cut the fabric with the Hexagons, 1in Sides die.
Lastly each hexagon was opened up and pressed flat.
I chose some white Essex linen to use as a neutral background and drew an approximately 5in diameter circle on it using a water erasable pen and then pinned the hexy holly leaves around it.
The leaves have been positioned in pairs and the plan is to add a little red berry between each pair and a few other details. I'm now midway through sewing the leaves in place and so far I'm pretty pleased with how it's turning out. I'll finish it off this week and hopefully it will go to plan and look like a holly wreath and if not, well I've had fun messing around!