Saturday afternoon was spent cutting 400 half-square triangles (with the Half-Square Triangles, 4 1/2in Finished Square die) from neutral solid fabric for my quilt top and some more printed ones from the extra fabric ordered after my dodgy quilt maths left me short. All in all I've cut 800 triangles for this quilt and I well and truly love my Big Shot now as a result! To have all of the cutting done so easily and now have a box of half-square triangles next to my sewing machine to work through as and when I have time is bliss.
I've had a commission deadline this week and so have not properly got going with the quilt top yet but I have sewn some squares up and played about with them a bit.
Before sewing the first proper block together.
One down, 24 to go. I love this design, it's a sort of offset chevron layout which despite looking simple did have me scratching my head a few times trying to arrange the squares. Each block has to fit colour-wise with the one above/below so there's not a lot of scope to switch blocks around at the end. I'm really looking forward to carrying on with it this week and making a few more blocks.