For several weeks now I've been convinced that Father's Day is this coming Sunday - BUT I was wrong - so I may even be able to create another Father's Day gift next week.
I used to find it difficult to find things to give to my Dad - but I think he would have loved this -
He was a carpenter and he often helped with jobs around our home - and so this would have been very helpful when moving his tools around.
Now I will give you the measurements for the one I have made, but you can vary the size and the sections to suit the tools that your father, husband, boyfriend, grandpa, uses.
You will need a strong piece of fabric - I had a heavy twill type fabric, but you could use denim or canvas ( if you re-cycle a pair of old jeans please make sure they aren't his favourite old jeans!!)
80cm x 50cm (31" x 19 1/2")
3 pieces of cotton fabric 15cm (6") square in different colours.
45cm x 15 cm (18" x 6") fusible web.
1m (1yd) heavy ribbon
I used the Lollipop Shadow dies in Lower case -
and Upper case -
along with the Big Shot machine -
Cut the fusible web into 3 x 15cm (6") squares and fuse to the wrong side of the cotton squares.
Select the letters that you need on each die and cut out - remember to place the fabric right side down on the die when cutting.
Arrange the letters on one end of the main fabric about 10cm in from the right, 6cms from the bottom edge, and 15cms from the left side. Fuse, and then stitch in place -
Fold the raw edge of the left edge to the wrong side and zig zag stitch.
Make a fold 15cm from the edge and stitch a 2cm seam from the fold to the neatened edge -
and make a double fold and stitch to neaten the rest of the edge. Turn right side out, and repeat with the other end. This creates the pocket section
Mark the compartments along the pocket section - I made my sections 9cm (3 1/2") to fit the tools, but your tools may be different sizes so measure before stitching - I stitched along the bottom edge for 9cm, then stitched up to the edge, and double stitched at the top before stitching back to the bottom, and repeated along the length of the roll -
Next I made a narrow double fold along the last raw edge and stitched with a straight stitch, then folded the edge over 8cm to create a flap. Stitch along the fold.
Finally - I put the tools in the roll,
and rolled it up to find where to stitch the tie -
I stitched the ribbon tie just above the line of the pockets and reinforced with several rows of stitching.
I apologise for the rather scruffy tools but they are rather old now!
It's quite a quick project, and I hope it's useful, as I mentioned before it can be adapted to take all sorts of different tools, or cables.
That's all for now - I'll be back next week.