I'm back with part 2 of the Sailboat mini quilt today. A little delayed, sorry about that folks!
Once you have your 6 sailboat blocks from part 1, cut (6) 4-1/2" blocks from white fabric.
Arrange your blocks as follows, alternating between each. Measure the sides of your quilt and cut 1-1/2" wide strips. Press seams towards the dark side. Repeat for the top and bottom of the quilt.
Repeat the same steps above to add the side borders. Measure the sides of the quilt and cut 3" wide strips, repeat for top and bottom. Baste quilt and quilt in a diagonal fashion in the alternate blocks. Straight line quilt 1/2" lines around the outer border.
Bind the quilt using (3) 2" x WOF strips in the matching white fabric. If you need an in-depth binding tutorial, you can find a great one here. Flip the quilt over and hand sew the binding to the backside of the quilt to finish.
Sizzix Products:
#660020 Big Shot Plus Machine
#659983 Half Square Triangles, 1-1/2in Finished Square
#658327 Strips, 1-1/2in Wide
#655267 Cutting Pads, Extended